It is December already! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
We are all born with power until we give it up. Sometimes
we are talked out of it, sometimes we are bullied out of it,
sometimes we never learn how to use our power.
If you live in a capitalistic society such as the USA,
you are especially blessed and have more opportunities
than anywhere else in the world.
Learning how to be civilized and getting along with
people is power. Being honorable and respecting your
self is power. You have the power to determine what your
behavior will be. You have the power to decide what kind
of life you will lead. You have the power to decide if you
will get an education or not. You have the power to decide
if you will work for yourself or for someone else.
You have the power to decide if you want to
be a parent or not. You have the power to decide who will
be the other parent to your children. You have the
power to decide if you will accept disrespect or not.
If you are an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen
you are a powerful part of our civilized society. No
society or community can exist for long if its people
are not honorable and trustworthy. Respect and Good Manners
are some of the most powerful tools you need to know
early in life.
Our common bond is we all want to be treated with respect.
Even the handicapped and mentally retarded are expected
to use the same respect and good manners that we all do.
Etiquette is practical. Sometimes there are exceptions to
the rules. When you know good manners, you learn to make
good decisions on your own, you become self confident without
becoming egotistical or rude, you learn to become independent
and capable of functioning on your own and taking care of
a family and a business.
There will always be people who soar and excel above the rest,
but that is because they are willing to work hard and long hours
at what they are good at and want to do. We all win when we live
in a society where we each have the opportunity to be the best
we can be in our chosen field.
There will always be people who never acquire a lot of money;
however, if they are honorable, civilized, and law abiding
citizens, they will still know love, peace, respect, and friendship.
Things which money cannot buy. They will still be respected members
of our free, capitalistic society.
There will always be those who do not respect themselves or
others. They are destined to be unhappy people; however, they
do have the power to decide if they want to continue this
lifestyle or not.
Treat yourself to a copy of "A Year of Good Manners" by
Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk.
Read 365 common, everyday courtesies written by Margery Sinclair.
Margery uses a humorous style to convey very important information
about life skills for your family, school, social, and business lives.
Margery tells you what you can do and a reason to use each tip.
You may even become charming after reading our book.
Jan Polk's Great American Flower Collection (GAFC) "respect series"
images are reminders to treat yourself and others with respect.
Wishing you peace, joy, respect, and safe travels during this holiday