Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays to those who do not celebrate Christmas. A lot of churches have wonderful Christmas Pagents so we do not forget the reason for this wonderful season: Jesus Christ was born to be our Lord and Savior.

This time is also a time to gather families together from far and wide to enjoy each others company and make new memories. It is also a good time to mention all the happy memories of our family members who are no longer with us.

Talking about memories, this year Dallas, Texas had a White Christmas!

Are there any Elves in your home?

What is your Elf Name? The first letter of my first name is:

A – Perky..... B – Nipper..... C – Bubbles..... D – Happy..... E – Squeezy..... F – Sunny..... G – Merry..... H – Tootsie..... I – Kringle..... J – Puddin..... K – Cookie..... L – Tinker..... M – Twinkle..... N – Buddy..... 0 – Elfie..... P – Jingle..... Q – Snowflake..... R – Jolly..... S – Elvis..... T – Sugarplum..... U – Peaches..... V – Gingerbread..... W – Frisbee..... X – Evergreen..... Y – Pinky..... Z - Tinsel

The month I was born in is:

JAN – Angel-Pants..... FEB – Floppy-Feet..... MAR – Plum-Pants..... APR – McJingles..... MAY – Peppermint..... JUN – Toe-Bells ..... JUL – Superplum..... AUG – Sugar-Socks..... SEP – Pickle-Pants..... OCT – Sparkley-Toes..... NOV – Monkey-Buns..... DEC – Pointy-Toes

12/24/12 Elf names brought to you by www.daveswordsofwisdom.com

I invite you to follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/janpolk

Merry Christmas and safe travels from my family to yours.

Jan Polk and Jim Polk

AKA Puddin Toe-Bells and Puddin Floppy-Feet

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful to God for family, friends, servicemen and women and the privilege to live in the United States of America. Remember, you find what ever you look for. There is good in this world and there is bad.... focus on the good....and do your best to leave this world a better place than you found it. I invite you to support small businesses with Made in America products: http://www.janpolk.com/cart/products.asp

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nov. 11, 2012 Happy Veterans Day

Thank you to all veterans who have served our country. May God always be with you and protect you.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11/2001 We Remember

Remembering those we lost on 9/11/2001. Our prayers are with them, their family members and our nation. We are a Christian nation where all religions have the freedom to thrive. Is that true for any other religion or nation? As free people, United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Our enemies blew us up and knocked us to the ground on 9/1/11; it made us stronger and more united! Our capitalistic system (which they hate) is what allows the cream to rise to the top. As Christians, we take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Everyone in America is guaranteed freedom to work as hard as they want and to reach as high as they can dream. Our cherished way of life depends on honesty, civilized behavior, the rule of law, and the right to own property. As long as we can trust each other and stand united as one nation under God, we will never be defeated. May God continue to Bless America.

Note, in any disaster, the first people on the scene are We The People, not the "Government." We could make it without the "Government" but the "Government" could not make it without us (because we elect them from among ourselves). Know that the lessons we have learned from 9/11/2001 is to trust in yourself, value the brief time you have together as a family, be honest and let no one divide us as one nation under God.

No matter how likeable someone is, you must use your own common sense and the facts to decide who is lying to you and who is telling the truth. www.ayearofgoodmanners.com Good Manners are Empowering!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Baby Baby Boom Boom" Baby and Kid Exp on September 9, 2012, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Kids are free!

The second annual "Baby Baby Boom Boom" Baby and Kid Expo will be held in Sharonville, OH at:

Elements Conference and Event Centre, 11974 Lebanon Road, Cincinnati, OH 45241

This is a Mommy social you don’t want to miss! Your FREE ticket allows you to be part of the Baby Baby Boom Boom Exp on September 9, 2012, from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. Kids are free!

This event is for parents and parents-to-be with over 50 vendors specializing in nutrition, ultrasound, face paintings, bounce houses, party entertainment, financial advice, invitations, cleaning services, massage, prenatal care, postnatal care, skin care, practical pregnancy products, family travel, fitness, photography, infant and children clothing, baby planning, baby shower ideas, photography, plastic surgery, baby registry, breastfeeding specialist, safe home for baby, market research specialist, first aid, car seat installation, baby signing, Mommy jewelry, diaper bags, children’s education, children arts and crafts and great gift ideas for mommy, daddy, grandparents, children and baby and much more!

Visit us on facebook at Baby Baby Boom Boom for details to the free seminar times from the experts: Ashley Brown-Combs owner of Blue Cocoon-Lactation Boutique, Dr. Mandell-Brown and the “Mommy Make-Over,” Baby Safe Homes, Jen Molitor-Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Jan Polk – A Year of Good Manners, Child/Infant CPR and Car Seat installation.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet local professionals that specialize in prenatal and beyond.

Jan Polk will be speaking on "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk. Good Manners are a Good Legacy and the best gift you can give to your child. Don't underestimate the "likability factor." AYOGM is destined to become a treasured, family heirloom. This book will have a special event price so you will want to buy several copies. Use it as a birthday book to remember birthdays and anniversaries year after year; as a journal (One grandfather said he was going to journal in it every day for the first year of his newborn grandson's life and then give it to him on his first birthday. What a treasure to receive - family values, grandfather's handwriting and his thoughts about his grandson, along with autographs of family members on their own birthdays and anniversaries!); use it as a guest book; or as an etiquette tip reference book (365 tips written by Margery Sinclair and a reason to use each one. When the reasons change, it is time for the rules to change.)

Tickets are FREE if you order them on line: www.babybabyboomboom-es2.eventbrite.com/?rank=1 Use Promo Code: baby boom 2012 Kids are always free. Tickets are $10.00 at the door.

The first 250 moms will receive a gift bag. There will be door prizes and lots of fun activities for the kids. We will look forward to seeing you there!

If you can't join us in Sharonville, OH, you can securely order your copies of "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk ($28.00) at http://www.janpolk.com/cart/products.asp Free shipping within the contiguous USA states on orders over $50.00. While you are there, be sure to look at the beautiful GAFC note cards (images featured in the book) and other note cards from original paintings by Jan Polk. These are special note cards for special people. $16.00/box of Six blank cards and 6 translucent envelopes; one image per box. Each clear box is wrapped with a gold loop bow ready for gifting.

First Man on the Moon dies.

Neil Armstrong, 82, passed away on Saturday, August 25, 2012. (1930 - 2012) May he rest in peace. May many of our young people look at his legacy for inspiration as an explorer.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Respect and Good Manners are empowering!

Good Manners don’t work unless you use them. If you don’t know them, you can’t use them. If you know good manners, you then have the choice to use them or not. The whole point of respect and good manners is to make you feel comfortable and safe. Respect and good manners make it possible for individuals to be civil to each other even if you disagree with each other and don’t even like the other person. You develop personal dignity and self respect when you know good manners.

When you know good manners and show respect to yourself and those around you, you have power. When you know the reasons for the rules, you can make a logical choice to use your good manners or not. When the reasons change, it is time for the rules to change. You become empowered when you have the ability to make good decisions on your own without someone telling you what to do. You are never a free person as long as you are dependent on someone else or the government. You could never relax if you have to depend on yourself for everything...it would be too time consuming to do everything.

In the United States of America, we each are guaranteed freedoms yet each of us has a civic duty to behave as honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens when living in densely populated areas such villages, towns, cities, etc. We like to live in large cities because of convenience, safety, and entertainment. We all succeed when we all work together for the good of all. In a civilized society, we all depend on each other to be honorable citizens who do no harm to those who are younger, weaker, or smaller. We are expected to learn this as children.. As adults, we then learn to give something back to our country and our communities for the privilege of living in the Greatest Nation on Earth where we each can have hopes and unlimited dreams if we are willing to work for them.

Here is a good example of how respect and good manners can be empowering:

How loud is too loud to play music? Even if we told you a certain decibel level, this would change according to each situation. A kind, considerate, civilized person who knows how to make good decisions without being told what to do, knows exactly what to do. According to “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair, “Noise heard outside the property where it originates is usually too loud.” If you are in your car and the radio can be heard two blocks away, it is too loud? Yes. Because you will soon go deaf and because it annoys people outside of the property where it originates. You are responsible for your own health and well being and to be a reliable, safe, considerate person to be around regardless of your age or any other factor you would like to apply.

Good Manners are the tools that enable you to develop common sense, good self esteem, and a back bone. No one can give you this but yourself. Others can give you this information but nothing happens until you make the decision to take action.

Look at your life and decide, could good manners possibly be the just the tools you are looking for to make you stand out above the crowd? They will definitely make you feel like you fit in. Take charge of your life and Enjoy Life..... don’t just exist and let others be in charge! Enjoy being known as an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen.

“A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95....offers 365 tips written by Margery Sinclair and a reason to use each one. Jan Polk’s GAFC “respect series” floral images remind you to treat yourself and others with respect. These are the tools which keep us safe at home and at school. These are the basic skills employers expect you to have before you are hired.

Order AYOGM on line: http://www.janpolk.com/cart/products.asp

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

Today we celebrate our Independence Day......the day we became a free nation under God....and no longer under the control of an oppressive government. Our freedoms were not free then and they still are not free. Many have paid the highest price to protect our freedoms. We must vigilantly protect our freedoms and not give them up so easily. We were founded as a nation of honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens who believe in taking care of ourselves, our families, and our fellow citizens. We believe in being rewarded for honest labor. We are free people when we are not dependent on the government. In the USA, We The People elect our government officials from among ourselves. They answer to us and not the other way around. If our laws don't apply equally to everyone, we have the power to change them. www.janpolk.com

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What is The GAFC “Respect Series” of Fine Art?

I would like to introduce you to THE GREAT AMERICAN FLOWER COLLECTION tm, the "Respect Series" of fine art watercolor paintings. The watercolor paintings in the GAFC are patriotic symbols of the USA. They represent our human traits distilled down to our common bond as Americans.

"Blue Iris from the Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk

The five traits used to identify a GAFC tm painting which symbolizes our common bond as Americans are:

1) Large Size, 22" x 28" or larger - symbolizes our masculine side and the greatness of our country.

2) Flowers - symbolizing our feminine side and our freedoms. They are reminders that our freedoms must be nurtured and not taken for granted, just as flowers must be nurtured in order to flourish.

3) Gold Background - represents the wealth of the USA as well as the wealth of opportunities available to those willing to work.

4) Watercolor Media - represents the law and order of our great country and working together. It also represents the consequences of not following the laws. The GAFC tm flowers are highly glazed. According to the laws of physics, each color must be applied and allowed to dry. Layer after layer is applied according to these principles. If we did not follow these laws of physics, one color over another over another while still wet would result in ugly "mud" colors. No matter what color of flower (even white), it takes all of the colors to arrive at one flower of one color with exceptional depth and beauty--just as the United States of America is comprised of many nationalities to make one great country. It takes all of us working together. If we don't follow the laws of the land, we get riots.

The flowers in the GAFC tm can be any flower of any color, just as the USA has many nationalities each with its own distinct personality yet we all have a common bond. Therefore, when you see a GAFC tm painting, i t is a peaceful place to rest your eyes and it is a subtle reminder of all things good: peace, respect, harmony, beauty, nonviolence, strength, order, etc.

5) GAFC paintings are Signed by Jan Polk, Painter of the Great American Flower Collection.

So, if someone asks you “What is the “Respect Series” of fine art paintings?” you can tell them, “Jan Polk’s Great American Flower Collection paintings are known as the “Respect Series” of fine art watercolor paintings. These are images which remind you to first treat yourself with respect and then treat others with respect.”

"Black Rose from the Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk

The GAFC Original Collection was painted 1999 as a reminder to each of us to treat ourselves with respect and then treat others with respect. It was inspired by lingering civil unrest from the past, in particular, the Rodney King beating in Los Angeles, CA on March 3, 1991. This eventually lead to a riot that lasted 3 days, killed 55 people, and set Los Angeles on fire. This and all riots are started because people either do not respect themselves or others or both. If you respect yourself, you will not be out late at night and shot in the back because you were running from Police. You will not be out late at night hiding your face under hoodies or masks. How you dress shows respect to fellow citizens. The Police do not respect those who try to kill them. Only in America, Police have to treat criminals with more respect than the criminals treat themselves or others. Keep in mind, dishonorable police should also be weeded out of the police force. Rodney King received $3.8 million dollars in settlement from the City of LosAngeles. He died broke in 2012 at the age of 47 via accidental drowning. May he rest in peace and may we all get along.

Do not allow others to beat down your self esteem. Do not let negative people get close to you. Take personal responsibility for your own actions. Be honest and do the right and honorable thing. Be clean and healthy. Do not be dependent on others or the government to take care of you. Be a contributing part of a team, marriage or otherwise, not just a follower waiting to be told what to do. You have value even if you are not being financially paid for the work you do (especially full time Mothers....the most valuable job in the world). If you don’t respect yourself, why would others? Respect and Manners are powerful and empowering. These are values that we must learn at an early age. The values we learn as children will last a lifetime. If they are not good values, they can be overcome eventually; however, loving parents will not want to saddle their children with the burden of poor manners and disrespect.

"Purple Peony from the Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk

GAFC images are reminders to Value and Appreciate the following: education, common sense, civilized behavior, your family, your marriage partner, your children, your health, those who you can trust and respect; the right of freedom to practice the religion of your choice. Value and Appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States of America, not a perfect country, but the best there is on Earth and getting better every year because there is hope for everyone who is willing to work. We have the freedom to work for others or to start our own companies. The USA, a capitalist nation, became the greatest nation on earth because of three things:

1) honest, civilized, law abiding citizens

2) the rule of law

3) deeds....the right to own property.

Treat all with respect and don’t take them for granted because they can disappear in an instant.

In a civilized society, people learn to work and live together in densely populated areas (called towns and cities) because they voluntarily abide by society’s civilized rules of behavior....not necessarily laws.... but rules of civilized behavior called “respect and manners.” In America, we have the right to freedom and to be ourselves and as successful as we wish to be; however, in civilized society, when what we want to do infringes or offends others, we are expected to hold ourselves to a higher standard and not be disrespectful to self or others.

All groups have rules and regulations, even gangs. In civilized society, you do not have to like every one that you meet or work with; however, you do have to behave in a civil and respectful manner to each other. All civilized people are welcome. Our common bond is we all want to be treated with respect and we all want to feel safe. One doesn’t have to have money to have good character and hold yourself to a high standard of civilized behavior. If a group accepts you on money alone, don't be surprised if you are not happy in that group. "It is better to be alone than in bad company." said President George Washington

Good things happen when honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens work together. Slavery ended because of honorable, civilized people of all colors, religions, and political affiliations working together. Women obtained the right to vote because of the same honorable, civilized people. We all speak English as a way to show respect and unity to the USA and its values of freedom for all. When laws are not equal for all of us, honorable people will change them.

The GAFC images were created to be a respite from all the violence and offensive material seen on TV, movies, and elsewhere under the guise of freedom of speech. It is refreshing to see a safe, wholesome, inclusive image that acknowledges our value as an individual and inspires each of us to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

View additional GAFC Images here: http://janpolk.com/1115.html

Note cards ($16.00/box) with GAFC images may be securely purchased on line at our webstore.

GAFC images also appear in our book "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95. This book book features 365 common, everyday courtesies and 365 reasons to use them written by International Business Consultant Margery Sinclair. When you know why, you are more inclined to use them. When the reasons change, it is time for the rules to change.

Securely purchase on line at:


Treat yourself to this book NOW and enjoy common sense, confidence, good self esteem and the ability to make good decisions on your own...skills that comes from knowing this information.

"A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95

Visa and Master Card accepted via PayPal. You do not need to be a member of PayPal to use your credit card.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

To all Veterans and especially to my friends who are veterans, “Thank You for Your Service to our Country!”

Freedom is not free and should not be taken for granted. When you celebrate this holiday with your beloved family members, please take a moment to toast or pray for our Veteran Heroes, past and present. They sacrificed much so that we can live in a civilized society as free people with our government beholden to We The People and not the other way around. All our veterans gave time away from family and friends and some even paid the ultimate price. It was not an easy task yet one worthy of their devotion and our appreciation. Our veterans’ families sacrificed as well.

Veterans come in all sizes, shapes, colors, religious and political affiliations and they fought for the same thing we all want..... freedom; respect, the right to coexist peacefully on this Earth, the right to bear arms, and the right to stand on our own two feet and make our own decisions with little interference from the government. The right to be an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen. does not exist under socialism. We only have to look back to WWII to see how true this is or any war for that matter. Our men and women are always fighting for freedom.

As long as citizens are dependent on the government they will never be free. When the majority of citizens become dependent on the government, we will cease to be a capitalistic nation which is a beacon to all where each of our hopes, dreams, and plans can come true via sweat equity and not hand outs from the government. We each give back to our county by standing united and holding ourselves to a higher standard by being an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen.

If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you are reading it in English, thank a Veteran.

If the opportunity is available, thank a veteran by using the traditional handshake of honorable, civilized citizens: Stand (to show respect), smile, look at their eyes, extend your outstretched right hand vertically (a sign of respect), thumb up, palm open (showing trust and no weapon), grip their hand. Shake hands firmly, “web-to-web” (that web of the skin between the thumb and fingers), and without crushing their knuckles. Hand shakes should be firm, quick (two or three shakes), and free of perspiration. A too limp handshake implies a weak character; the too strong handshake indicates a domineering personality. Introduce yourself by name and thank the veteran for his/her service to our country. Either men or women may extend their hand first.

May our fallen veterans rest in peace and May God continue to Bless All Americans.

Happy Memorial Day to you and yours.

from A Year of Good Manners.com

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Primary Election Day is Today.

We all take freedom for granted. No one likes war but sometimes wars are necessary. We must defend our rights to be free citizens and we all must be willing to defend our country and our Constitution. Citizens who live in the United States of America are free people because we are a nation who elects our government officials from among ourselves and we are a capitalistic government of the people, by the people and for the people. We are not a perfect country but we are evolving every year to be more inclusive of all our citizens. There is not one group or nationality of citizens that were not persecuted at one time or another in our history. We have all overcome obstacles yet our goals remain the same.....that all citizens are entitled to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness......but not at the expense of someone else. We became the Greatest Nation on Earth because civilized people worked together for the good of all.

We are one nation under God. Beware of those who try to divide us and pit one group against another be they wealthy or not. Civilized people work together, compromising when necessary, but always working for the good of the whole.

We all have a civic duty to behave as honorable, civilized citizens respectful to each other yet we have the right to own private property and the right to defend that property. We are a free nation because the majority of our citizens choose to hold themselves to a higher standard and not just because of the laws. We have laws to handle citizens who are not respectful to others. Honorable, moral, civilized, law abiding citizens will not lie, cheat, or steal even if the opportunity presents itself. When this is no longer the case, we will have widespread corruption, rudeness, and lawlessness. The government cannot afford to put all of us in jail so they will have to take extreme measures to control the population. Until then, We The People still control the government by electing them to office.

Civilized people know how to work with people they do not like yet respect that all are entitled to the same freedoms. We all have a civic duty to take personal responsibility for our own actions and do no harm to those who are weaker, younger, or smaller. Our Constitution guarantees the right to protect ourselves and our property from criminals and from the government itself.

This year the election is quite clear. We either vote for our historic capitalistic nation which made the USA the Greatest Nation on Earth or we vote for the Socialists who are trying to divide our country via class warfare and disregard of our Constitution. You can no longer sit this one out and ignore the situation. If you have never voted, it is time for you to vote. The choice is clear. Vote for the most honorable person you know. An honorable person will not lie, cheat or steal even if the opportunity presents itself.

If someone looks you in the face and tells obvious lies, you must use your own common sense and do what is right. If you have not earned what you have, you are not entitled to take money from someone else no matter who tells you it is OK. Common sense says we cannot continue to spend trillions of dollars that we do not have. Someone will pay for this; eventually, it will be our future grandchildren. Not a legacy that we have ever in the history of our country done to future generations.

Being an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen is a way to give something back to your country. Voting is a privilege that can easily be taken away by a government that gets too big and thinks they control the people. In the USA, we the people control the government.

Please Vote.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day, May 13, 2012

Motherhood is one of the most important jobs in the world and it is one of the most underpaid jobs if you count money only. Motherhood is also one of the most rewarding jobs if done right. Mothers should not feel guilty because they enjoy their job as full time mothers........... Mothers are the ones who determine who the father will be. Mothers are the ones who teach their children how to be honorable, civilized, law abiding adults. When mothers love their children, they teach them life skills that enable the child to become an independent, self-reliant, trustworthy person able to live on their own. They teach their children there are always consequences for their actions, sometimes good, sometimes bad. When parents spoil their children, they then end up with spoiled adults who are not capable of functioning on their own in civilized society. Motherhood is a very important job............ All children want two parents and have an inherent need for two parents. Yes, we can survive with only one parent, but to flourish, all children want to know who their ancestors and family members are. All children want to be treated with respect. It is the Mother who can make this happen. The kindest thing a Mother can do for her children is to teach them respect for life, their own and others, and good manners. These are the life skills which enable common sense, good self esteem, and confidence to develop. These are the tools that make a loving home............ All children must be taught at an early age to do no harm to those who are younger, smaller or weaker than themselves. Children learn from their Mothers “An honorable person will not lie, cheat, or steal, even when the opportunity presents itself.” These are traits that last throughout their entire lives. These are the traits that make life worth living. It has nothing to do with the amount of money one has or does not have. One can always earn money but one cannot easily earn back respect and love once they have lost it. However, all things are possible, especially with the unconditional love of a Mother nearby............ Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers who make a safe, loving home for their children............. A special Happy Mother’s Day to my favorite role model: Dr. Ben Carson’s Mother. Please watch this video for a heartwarming story that will show just how important a Mother’s job is........... http://video.foxnews.com/v/1542093260001........... Learn 365 life skills and the reasons to use them by reading "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95. Record autographs of family members, and this book then becomes a treasured family heirloom which becomes more valuable with each new entry.............. Securely purchase on line at: http://janpolk.com/cart/products.asp

Monday, April 23, 2012

Administrative Professionals Week is April 22 – 28, 2012

Administrative Professionals Week
is April 22 – 28, 2012

Every employee represents your company.
If you want to give your employees, confidence,
good self esteem and the ability to make good
decisions on their own and you can’t afford to send
your employees to a $500 training course in
business/customer relationships, give them something
better: “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair
and Jan Polk, $27.95.

This beautifully bound, hard cover book includes three
hundred and sixty five tips and a reason to use each tip
written by Milwaukee Business Etiquette Consultant
Margery Sinclair. It also features Jan Polk's Great
American Flower Collection "respect series" of fine
art water color paintings which symbolically remind
you to treat yourself and others with respect.

Margery Sinclair’s motto
“Good Manners are Good Business”

Jan Polk’s motto “Good Manners are Empowering.”

Good Manners are also a Good Legacy.
“A Year of Good Manners” is a wonderful way for your
employees to pass their values to future generations.
Our common bond is we all want to be treated
with respect.

One of the tips in AYOGM written by Margery Sinclair:

“Unfortunately, it is bad manners to go around
correcting other people’s bad manners. There is
an exception for parents, teachers, and managers.
More than an exception, correcting children,
students, and employees is an obligation."

Order your copy of “A Year of Good Manners”
on line at http://www.ayearofgoodmanners.com

Quantity discounts available upon request.

If you would like to hire Margery Sinclair to speak
to your group, contact her at www.margerysinclair.com
Sometimes it is possible to share expenses with other groups
depending on her travel schedule.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Better Conversations Newsletter

Hi Friends. After you read our book,
"A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and
Jan Polk,
you will be so confident, you will
want to meet and mingle with the rest of the world.
We provide basic skills to get you started and a
reason to use each of the 365 tips. A way to
never get old is to keep learning new things.

Margery Sinclair introduced me to the free
“Better Conversations Newsletter”
by Loren Ekroth, Ph.D. (aka "Dr.Conversation
His mission is:
"To Raise the Standard of Conversation in Life."
You can sign up for his free newsletter at
URL: http://www.conversationmatters.com

Among Dr. Ekroth's subscribers are authors, speakers, coaches,
consultants, artists, and experts who have products to sell or
services to provide. Please tell him
Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk introduced you to him.

You can purchase “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair
and Jan Polk at our website:


$28.00……free shipping!

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."
~ George Bernard Shaw

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Art Show - February 17 and 18, 2012

Fri. Sat. February 17 and 18, 2012, 2nd Annual Invitational Fine Arts Exhibition and Sale at:

First Presbyterian Church of Gulf Shores, AL.
309 East 21st Avenue
Gulf Shores, AL 36547
(Cnty. Rte. 180 east of St. Rte. 59)

Phone: 251-968-7720
Website: www.gspres.com

The opening is Friday, Feb 17, 2012…… 5:00--8:00 p.m. and
one day only exhibition on Sat. Feb. 18 10:00 a.m. --6:00 p.m.

Free Admission and Refreshments

Art Show Curator Paul Welch, a retired artist/art professor
from Michigan, will be also giving a 6 week series of art
lectures at the church starting Tuesdays, January 10, 2012,
from 10:00 --11:00 a.m. These have been enthusiastically
attended for the past 4 years and set the stage for the
exhibition of our area artists. No charge.

Celebrating our local and snowbird artists:

Zach Baisden, Jennifer Currans, Helen Haberstroh,
David Howard, Mary Ann Lamm, Karen MacLaughlin,
Lorraine Owen,.... Jan Polk,......Martha Saunders,
Philip Sealy, Dorothy Sherman, Rick Tino,
Theresa Wayne, Richard Willlows, Beth Winn

New this year: Students from Gulf Shoes Elementary and
B.E.A.C.H. Home School.

Wine and nibbles are provided Friday evening; cookies all
day Saturday. Water color, Oil, Ink, Mixed Media, Photography,
Prints and Note Cards will also be for sale. A percentage of
sales will be donated to a local art teacher.

Come meet the artists, enjoy fine art and help support the
arts in the Gulf Shores area.

AYOGM and Jan Polk Note Cards will also be available for
sale at this show.

I invite you to visit my websites:


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Favorite Popcorn Recipes

I always like to describe our our book "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair
and Jan Polk as "Fine Art Marries Fine Living."

Eating well is one of the perks of fine living.
Following are three of my favorite popcorn recipes. Tweaked the way I like them.
Hope you like them too.

If you know where to purchase big fluffy popcorn, please share the info. The
ones you can buy at the grocery store are OK but I would love to find a
gourmet popcorn because these recipes are so good. I found the top two
at allrecipes.com and the adult popcorn is from

Cinnamon Candies Popcorn

Yield 8 cups 8 servings

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

* 1/2 cup unpopped popcorn
* 1/2 cup butter
* 2 tablespoons light corn syrup
* 2 (2.25 ounce) packages cinnamon red hot candies

1. Heat oil in a large pot or saucepan over medium-high heat. Pour in the popcorn, cover, and shake a couple of times to coat the kernels with oil. When the corn starts to pop, shake pan continuously until popping stops. Pour popped corn into a large paper bag.

2. Combine the butter, corn syrup and red hot candies in a microwave safe bowl or saucepan. Heat, stirring occasionally until the candies have melted. Pour the hot syrup over the popped corn, and shake the bag for 1 minute, until completely coated. Cool, and serve.

If you like it warm and gooey, eat right away; but if you like it crispy let it cool!

Nutritional Information open nutritional information
Amount Per Serving Calories: 255 | Total Fat: 15.5g | Cholesterol: 31mg


Gelatin-flavored Popcorn
45 min 10 servings

* 10 cups popped popcorn
* 1/2 cup butter
* 1/2 cup sugar
* 1 (3 ounce) package fruit flavored gelatin mix
* 1 tablespoon corn syrup
* 3 tablespoons water

1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F (150 degrees C). Grease a 1/4 sheet pan or two 8x12 inch baking dishes. Generously butter a heavy 2 quart saucepan.

2. Distribute popcorn evenly in prepared baking pans. Place in oven to keep warm.

3. In prepared saucepan over medium heat, combine butter, sugar, gelatin, corn syrup and water. Heat to 250 to 265 degrees F (121 to 129 degrees C), or until a small amount of syrup dropped into cold water forms a rigid ball. [or bring to a boil and boil 4 minutes stirring constantly which is the method I used]

4. Pour mixture evenly over popcorn and stir until coated. Return popcorn to oven and bake 5 minutes; stir, then bake 5 minutes more.

5. Turn popcorn out onto a large piece of foil. Let rest until cool enough to handle, then form into balls. Or let cool completely and break into clusters. Store in an airtight container, in a cool, dry place.


Adult Spiced Popcorn

2 Tablespoon oil plus 1 cup of popcorn

While popping:


6 tablespoons butter

2 teaspoons cinnamon

2 teaspoons cumin

2 teaspoons paprika

2 teaspoons turmeric

4 teaspoons salt [I use l teaspoon of salt]

4 teaspoons sugar

Mix and pour over hot popcorn. Toss and Enjoy!

We invite you to purchase our book "A Year of Good Manners" by
Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk $28.00 --free shipping!!! -- on line at

Quantity discounts available....just email me at janpolk@janpolk.com before
you place your order.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Learned Helplessness

Example of “learned helplessness.” When you depend on others
and do without if someone does not give it to you. You
are not free if you are dependant on others or the government.

Being free means you can depend on your own actions to
find your way in life. Honesty, personal responsibility and pride in
a job well done will take you far. You must also be able
to work with others. Don’t forget about the “likability
factor.” When people like you, they are more likely to
give you a break in other areas. When all things are equal,
the person of honor, good character, and good manners will win out.

I have always pondered why some people thrive and excel in life
and others cannot/will not do anything for themselves yet resent
others who have worked hard for what they have earned.

We all want to help those who are handicapped, ill, and weak
(note: these same people want what the rest of us want:
to be treated with respect…….in return, we expect them to also
treat themselves and others with respect and honor.)
There is no reason for able bodied people not to be responsible
for their own actions.

My favorite quote is: “Don’t be your own roadblock. Use
roadblocks as stepping stones to get to higher ground.” by

This story illustrates using roadblocks and taking action:

One day a donkey fell into a well. The farmer and his neighbors
decided there was no way to get the donkey
out of the well; it was too deep and the rope did not go
down that far. They decided to put the donkey out of his
misery and cover him in dirt and bury him
so he would not have to suffer.

A donkey that has “learned helplessness” will just stand there
and be covered in dirt. He will not survive.

A donkey that has a will to survive and is willing to take
personal responsibility for his own actions will work
to get out of the situation. Every time this donkey
was covered in a shovelful of dirt, he just shook it off
and stood on top of the dirt; shook it off and stood on
top of the dirt; shook it off and stood on top of
the dirt. Eventually, the donkey was able to walk
out of the well to the delight of the farmer and his

We can help you with your "likablity factory."

You must make the decision to be an honorable
person and take care of that part yourself.