I would like to introduce you to
"Respect Series" of fine art watercolor paintings. The watercolor paintings
in the GAFC are patriotic symbols of the USA. They represent our human
traits distilled down to our common bond as Americans.

"Blue Iris from the
Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk
The five traits used to identify a GAFC tm painting which symbolizes our
common bond as Americans are:
1) Large Size, 22" x 28" or larger - symbolizes our masculine side and the
greatness of our country.
2) Flowers - symbolizing our feminine side and our freedoms. They are
reminders that our freedoms must be nurtured and not taken for granted,
just as flowers must be nurtured in order to flourish.
3) Gold Background - represents the wealth of the USA as well as the
wealth of opportunities available to those willing to work.
4) Watercolor Media - represents the law and order of our great country
and working together. It also represents the consequences of not following
the laws. The GAFC tm flowers are highly glazed. According to the laws of
physics, each color must be applied and allowed to dry. Layer after layer is
applied according to these principles. If we did not follow these laws of
physics, one color over another over another while still wet would result in
ugly "mud" colors. No matter what color of flower (even white), it takes
all of the colors to arrive at one flower of one color with exceptional depth
and beauty--just as the United States of America is comprised of many
nationalities to make one great country. It takes all of us working together.
If we don't follow the laws of the land, we get riots.
The flowers in the GAFC tm can be any flower of any color, just as the
USA has many nationalities each with its own distinct personality yet we
all have a common bond. Therefore, when you see a GAFC tm painting, i
t is a peaceful place to rest your eyes and it is a subtle reminder of all things
good: peace, respect, harmony, beauty, nonviolence, strength, order, etc.
5) GAFC paintings are Signed by Jan Polk, Painter of the Great American
Flower Collection.
So, if someone asks you “What is the “Respect Series” of fine art paintings?”
you can tell them,
“Jan Polk’s Great American Flower Collection paintings are known as the
“Respect Series” of fine art watercolor paintings. These are images which
remind you to first treat yourself with respect and then treat others with

"Black Rose from the
Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk
The GAFC Original Collection was painted 1999 as a reminder to each
of us to treat ourselves with respect and then treat others with respect.
It was inspired by lingering civil unrest from the past, in particular, the
Rodney King beating in Los Angeles, CA on March 3, 1991. This
eventually lead to a riot that lasted 3 days, killed 55 people, and set
Los Angeles on fire. This and all riots are started because people either
do not respect themselves or others or both. If you respect yourself, you
will not be out late at night and shot in the back because you were
running from Police. You will not be out late at night hiding your face
under hoodies or masks. How you dress shows respect to fellow
citizens. The Police do not respect those who try to kill them. Only in
America, Police have to treat criminals with more respect than the criminals
treat themselves or others. Keep in mind, dishonorable police
should also be weeded out of the police force. Rodney King received
$3.8 million dollars in settlement from the City of LosAngeles. He died
broke in 2012 at the age of 47 via accidental drowning. May he rest in peace
and may we all get along.
Do not allow others to beat down your self esteem. Do not let negative
people get close to you. Take personal responsibility for your own actions.
Be honest and do the right and honorable thing. Be clean and healthy.
Do not be dependent on others or the government to take care of you.
Be a contributing part of a team, marriage or otherwise, not just a
follower waiting to be told what to do. You have value even if you are
not being financially paid for the work you do (especially full time
Mothers....the most valuable job in the world). If you don’t respect
yourself, why would others? Respect and Manners are powerful and
empowering. These are values that we must learn at an early age.
The values we learn as children will last a lifetime. If they are not good
values, they can be overcome eventually; however, loving parents will not
want to saddle their children with the burden of poor manners and disrespect.

"Purple Peony
from the Great American Flower Collection" by Jan Polk
GAFC images are reminders to Value and Appreciate the following:
education, common sense, civilized behavior, your family, your marriage
partner, your children, your health, those who you can trust and respect;
the right of freedom to practice the religion of your choice. Value and
Appreciate the opportunity to live in the United States of America, not a
perfect country, but the best there is on Earth and getting better every year
because there is hope for everyone who is willing to work. We have the
freedom to work for others or to start our own companies. The USA,
a capitalist nation, became the greatest nation on earth because of three things:
1) honest, civilized, law abiding citizens
2) the rule of law
3) deeds....the right to own property.
Treat all with respect and don’t take them for granted because they
can disappear in an instant.
In a civilized society, people learn to work and live together in densely
populated areas (called towns and cities) because they voluntarily abide
by society’s civilized rules of behavior....not necessarily laws.... but rules
of civilized behavior called “respect and manners.” In America, we have
the right to freedom and to be ourselves and as successful as we wish to be;
however, in civilized society, when what we want to do infringes or offends
others, we are expected to hold ourselves to a higher standard
and not be disrespectful to self or others.
All groups have rules and regulations, even gangs. In civilized society,
you do not have to like every one that you meet or work with; however,
you do have to behave in a civil and respectful manner to each other. All
civilized people are welcome. Our common bond is we all want to be treated
with respect and we all want to feel safe. One doesn’t have to have money to
have good character and hold yourself to a high standard of civilized behavior.
If a group accepts you on money alone, don't be surprised if you are not
happy in that group. "It is better to be alone than in bad company." said
President George Washington
Good things happen when honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens work
together. Slavery ended because of honorable, civilized people of all colors,
religions, and political affiliations working together. Women obtained the
right to vote because of the same honorable, civilized people. We all
speak English as a way to show respect and unity to the USA and its
values of freedom for all. When laws are not equal for all of us, honorable
people will change them.
The GAFC images were created to be a respite from all the violence and
offensive material seen on TV, movies, and elsewhere under the guise of
freedom of speech. It is refreshing to see a safe, wholesome, inclusive
image that acknowledges our value as an individual and inspires each of
us to hold ourselves to a higher standard.
View additional GAFC Images here: http://janpolk.com/1115.html
Note cards ($16.00/box) with GAFC images may be securely purchased
on line at our webstore.
GAFC images also appear in our book "A Year of Good Manners" by
Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95. This book book features
365 common, everyday courtesies and 365 reasons to use them written
by International Business Consultant Margery Sinclair. When you know
why, you are more inclined to use them. When the reasons change, it is
time for the rules to change.
Securely purchase on line at:
Treat yourself to this book NOW and enjoy common sense,
confidence, good self esteem and the ability to make good
decisions on your own...skills that comes from knowing this

"A Year of Good Manners"
by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95
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