Good Manners don’t work unless you use them. If you don’t know them, you can’t use them. If you know good manners, you then have the choice to use them or not. The whole point of respect and good manners is to make you feel comfortable and safe. Respect and good manners make it possible for individuals to be civil to each other even if you disagree with each other and don’t even like the other person. You develop personal dignity and self respect when you know good manners.
When you know good manners and show respect to yourself and those around you, you have power. When you know the reasons for the rules, you can make a logical choice to use your good manners or not. When the reasons change, it is time for the rules to change. You become empowered when you have the ability to make good decisions on your own without someone telling you what to do. You are never a free person as long as you are dependent on someone else or the government. You could never relax if you have to depend on yourself for would be too time consuming to do everything.
In the United States of America, we each are guaranteed freedoms yet each of us has a civic duty to behave as honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens when living in densely populated areas such villages, towns, cities, etc. We like to live in large cities because of convenience, safety, and entertainment. We all succeed when we all work together for the good of all. In a civilized society, we all depend on each other to be honorable citizens who do no harm to those who are younger, weaker, or smaller. We are expected to learn this as children.. As adults, we then learn to give something back to our country and our communities for the privilege of living in the Greatest Nation on Earth where we each can have hopes and unlimited dreams if we are willing to work for them.
Here is a good example of how respect and good manners can be empowering:
How loud is too loud to play music? Even if we told you a certain decibel level, this would change according to each situation. A kind, considerate, civilized person who knows how to make good decisions without being told what to do, knows exactly what to do. According to “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair, “Noise heard outside the property where it originates is usually too loud.” If you are in your car and the radio can be heard two blocks away, it is too loud? Yes. Because you will soon go deaf and because it annoys people outside of the property where it originates. You are responsible for your own health and well being and to be a reliable, safe, considerate person to be around regardless of your age or any other factor you would like to apply.
Good Manners are the tools that enable you to develop common sense, good self esteem, and a back bone. No one can give you this but yourself. Others can give you this information but nothing happens until you make the decision to take action.
Look at your life and decide, could good manners possibly be the just the tools you are looking for to make you stand out above the crowd? They will definitely make you feel like you fit in. Take charge of your life and Enjoy Life..... don’t just exist and let others be in charge! Enjoy being known as an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen.
“A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95....offers 365 tips written by Margery Sinclair and a reason to use each one. Jan Polk’s GAFC “respect series” floral images remind you to treat yourself and others with respect. These are the tools which keep us safe at home and at school. These are the basic skills employers expect you to have before you are hired.
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