Wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year 2013!
Most of us start the new year with good intentions and new year's resolutions. Mine is to start a Gratitude Jar and each time something nice happens, I will make a note of it and put it in the jar. On New Year's Eve, I will empty the jar and review all the wonderful things that happened this year.
My mission is to have everyone discover how empowering respect and good manners are. That is one of the reasons Margery Sinclair and I published "A Year of Good Manners." All the 365 tips were written by Margery, an international etiquette consultant and author. One of the most helpful tips is "Keep Your Word to your children." If you say no, mean it. If you say yes, mean it. Keep your word. Your children depend on you to set boundaries and teach them how to get along in the world and be an honorable, civilized, law abiding person.
Happy New Year 2013! May it be the best yet!