Today is the anniversary of 9/11/01. We were attacked on our own homeland in New York City by Muslim terrorists because they want to own us or kill us.
If we want to remain the greatest country in the world and a beacon to others who want to be free from oppressive governments, dictatorships and unjust religions, We The People must never forget 9/11 and we must always stand united in our belief of freedom for all, respect for all life, respect for the rule of law and the right to own property. We must cherish and protect our Constitution which gives us the right to elect our own government officials and the right to remove them from office. Our Constitution gives us the right to religious freedom of our choice as long as we do not inflict our choices upon others. Our Constitution also gives us the right to protect ourselves as the government cannot always be there at the exact moment we need them.
If We The People want to remain independent people with the right to choose how we to live our own life, we must also accept personal responsibility for our own decisions and actions. Each one of us, if we are an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen, is an important part of the fabric of the United States of America. No person can legally be owned by another person in the United States of America. If we are not independent, we are not free. If we are dependent on our government to exist, we are not free. We do depend on our government to protect us. If they don't, we should remove them from office.
Our goal as citizens of the United States of America is to make life better for all our citizens; to leave the world a better place than we found it. Beware of those who try to divide us and pit us against each other for any reason. September 11, 2001 is a great reminder that our freedom can be taken away if we are not vigilant to protect them. There are people out there who do not want We The People to be free and independent people. Do not be so willing to give up any rights. They are all important. Be very aware and appreciative of what we do have.
United We Stand – In God We Trust.
May those who lost their lives on 9/11/01 and those who sacrificed their lives to help others rest in peace. May we always be thankful for God’s blessings to be able to protect ourselves and our country.