Monday, July 18, 2011

Who taught you good manners?

Who taught you good manners? We are not born with this information.
Good manners must be taught. Those of us who are lucky, learned good
manners from our parents. It is a pleasure to live with good manners
and people who treat you with respect.

The wealthy know the value of this information. They spend hundreds
of dollars to have this information taught to their children.

Those who become wealthy, will spend the money to learn good manners
and have it taught to their own children. Will Smith and family are
a good example.

Everyone wants to be treated with respect. Every group has rules,
even gangs and the Jersey Shore group. Civilized society is for
every one and you don't have to be jumped to get in. Honorable,
civilized, law abiding citizens come in every color, size, age,
health, wealth, religious and political affiliation. All that is
expected of you is to be honorable, civilized and law abiding.

You will develop common sense, good self esteem, and the ability to
make good decisions just by knowing good manners and how to show respect
to yourself and others.

You will enjoy reading "A Year of Good Manners" by Margery Sinclair and
Jan Polk, $27.95. Margery uses a very humorous style to write 365 common,
every day courtesies and the reason to use each one.

One of Margery Sinclair's tips is: "Learning good manners is the most basic
skill of civilization. The earlier they are learned, the happier the world is.
Give this advantage to the children in your life so they can grow up without
the baggage of social embarrassments."

Self-esteem and good manners should not be based on how much money you have; they should be based on your honorable character and your good manners. Good Manners will last a life time and you will feel good about yourself where ever you are in, school, social, or business.

This book is a steal at $27.95 for the amount of information that is contained in this book. If you already know the information, it will reinforce you are on the
right track. If you learn something new, you will become even more confident and

We suggest you read "A Year of Good Manners" before making major life changing decisions. When you know what to expect from life, and what life expects of you, you will not have to seek means to escape. You will enjoy life and know how to deal with others in a civilized manner.

You may purchase this book on line at

Please "like" my page on Face Book:

Before purchasing our book, if you would like to see a free 7 page index of all the valuable information covered in "A Year of Good Manners," please send your email address to me at: and I will send you a copy of the index via email. If you have already purchased our book, please send me your email and I will send you the index. Margery and I had intended the book to be a calendar and realized the information is so valuable, an index allows you to use the book as a reference book as well. Thank you for your purchase.

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