Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Memorial Day Weekend

We enjoy this three day weekend by celebrating with parties and
gatherings of family, friends, and neighbors, barbecues and festivals,
car races and concerts; visiting grave sites and honoring those who
have gone before us.

On Monday, May30, 2011, we celebrate the memory of those in the
military who have given their lives so that we may remain a free people.
America is a melting pot of all nationalities and we have all
fought for the same be free, independent, honorable, civilized
law abiding citizens. We want the right to work for ourselves if we
choose and to keep what we have honorably earned. We want the
right to elect our officials from among ourselves and to vote them
out of office if we don’t like the way things are going. We want the right
to change the laws if they are not fair for all our citizens. We want the
right to be safe in our own homes and the right to protect our own
property. Memorial Day is a day to pray for and thank those who protect
us now and for those who have gone before us to ensure that we keep those rights.

Currently, our military are all volunteers. We The People of the United States
of America willingly choose to hold ourselves to a higher standard
and to live in a civilized world. Everyone, of all nationalities, including
women as well as men, by law are valued citizens with the same rights
to life, liberty and freedom. No one owns anyone in America. We willingly
work together for the good of all, not because our Government demands
that we do so, but because we choose to do so and we choose to hold
ourselves to a higher standard.

We never want to forget that freedom is not free. If we neglect
our history, we can easily lose what we value most. We must
teach our values to our children and Memorial Day is one of
the ways we do so.

In America, we have Memorial Day Parades to celebrate and thank
our veterans. It is one of our common bonds.
United We Stand – Divided We Fall.

Another tradition is

Flags at half-staff until noon
On Memorial Day the flag is raised briskly to the top of the staff and then
solemnly lowered to the half-staff position, where it remains only until noon.
It is then raised to full-staff for the remainder of the day.
The half-staff position remembers the more than one million men and women
who gave their lives in service of their country. At noon their memory is
raised by the living, who resolve not to let their sacrifice be in vain, but to
rise up in their stead and continue the fight for liberty and justice for all.

(* read more about the history of Memorial date at:

May God Bless America! Protect our troops and those they protect at home.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oprah says Farewell to Network TV today!

After a 25 year run, Oprah Says Farewell today to Network TV.

I watched Oprah’s final show today. I for one will miss
Oprah and the Oprah Show which closed an impressive
25 year run on Network TV. Oprah is a person I trusted
yet I have never met her. Oprah sincerely wanted to
present to her viewers information that was honest, factual,
trustworthy and reliable. Oprah is a giving person yet she
also realized that each of us must trust in ourselves and
then reach out to help another.

I was not a regular die hard fan, yet when I did watch,
I felt I could trust the information Oprah was presenting.
Oprah touched my life directly because I trusted a web host
that she recommended. That is why I now have my personal
website Thank you Oprah!

In her farewell speech, Oprah stated she felt that each of us
wants to be validated. That we all want to know “they will
see you” and “they will hear you” and that “they will validate
you.” Oprah's words. Oprah wanted to fill that void in all
of her fans.

Luckily, one of the benefits of getting older is that you soon
realize that there is more than one way to tackle a task, a
project, or a job. It doesn’t have to be Mom’s way or no way.
All that counts is the "bottom line" and that you maintained
your honor, your self respect, and you harmed no one in the

I also liked that Oprah gave credit to God for her success
yet we know that none of the success came to Oprah while
she sat around waiting for the government to come help her
out. She worked long hard hours to arrive at her station in
life. No one gave her anything she did not earn. Oprah
also did not accomplish anything by herself. She depended
heavily on people who held the same values she did and
who were honorable, dependable, trustworthy citizens that
treated themselves and others with respect. A business cannot
exist for long with dishonest, uncivilized, disrespectful
employees. A business will not maintain employees of good
character for long if the employer does not treat the
employees fairly and with respect.

Oprah wants all of us to stay in touch with her via email.
Her email address is She said she
would be the one who would answer.

We are saying farewell to Oprah on network TV but we
are not saying Goodbye as we can still see Oprah on
her own TV network -- OWN – the Oprah Winfrey Network.
My prayers for Oprah are “Continued success, happiness and
good health to you! God Bless Oprah.”

I see Oprah’s formula as trust, respect and good manners.
We are all hungry for that whether we want to call it that
or not. Respect and Good Manners are our common bonds.
We all want to be treated with respect.

No matter how advanced our society becomes, Technology
does not trump our obligation to treat each other with honor,
respect and common decency. Good manners start at home.
I say “Good Manners are Powerful!” Don’t leave home
without them.

We invite you to read our book “A Year of Good Manners”
by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk. $27.95
It is a quick read and is the gift that keeps on giving.
You will enjoy Margery’s humorous style in presenting
very important honorable, reliable, trustworthy basic life
skills training. Good manners make you feel relaxed and
confident. You will develop common sense, a backbone
and good self esteem just by reading this information and
applying it to your life.

Purchase on line at

Saturday, May 21, 2011

End of the World on May 21, 2011?

Rumor has it some are predicting the end of the world is today May 21, 2011.

I say just in case the whole world does not end, you can still end your life of uncertainty, misery, meanness, unkindness, unhappiness, weakness, etc. just by giving yourself permission to hold yourself to a higher standard. You have given yourself permission to live the life you are currently living. You have the power to change it. Use your God given gift of the two helping hands at the end of your own arms.

Change your life today. Develop a backbone, common sense, and confidence just
by reading our book “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk, $27.95.
It is a quick read.....90 pages.......and Margery gives you a reason to use each of the 365 common every day etiquette tips. You will enjoy this book. Jan’s images are reminders to treat yourself and others with respect and expect others to do so in return.

Just one of the many tips in our book is: “Maintain composure when displeased.” When you are yelling, you announce to the whole world “I am out of control.”. The one who maintains composure is the one who is in control. Think how much calmer your life will be just by using this one tip.

Think about it. In the job market, if all things were equal, the person with the best manners will win out. Employers want to hire people they can trust to be honorable, dependable, reliable, respectful people who know how to show respect to themselves and to their customers. Employers want to hire people who have initiative and common sense and know how to get a job done. How you dress, walk, talk,and act are all social skills or the lack of social skills. Only you determine who you are. You can still be yourself yet hold yourself to a higher standard. Just because you are an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen, does not mean you become a door mat and cannot protect yourself or have fun. We learn many other skills in addition to social skills; however, social skills are the first of life’s tools one must learn in order to navigate life on planet Earth. Social skills should be learned first; not acquired after one accumulates wealth.

When you base your self esteem on your social skills and not on the amount of
money you have or do not have, you will find life is quite nice. You are in control of your behavior.

Billionaire Warren Buffet says “The more you learn, the more you earn.”
Milwaukee Etiquette Consultant/Coach Margery Sinclair says “Good Manners are Good Business”
Artist/Publisher Jan Polk says “Good Manners Are Powerful.”

Read more tips here:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day - May 8

Being a Mother is one of the most important jobs in the world!

“Teaching manners to children is the kindest thing you can do for them, and it is a long-term project. Teach by example, gently correct, encourage, quietly remind, praise when you can, and keep on doing it. Start when they are toddlers and you will have lovely teenagers.” says Margery Sinclair

To view other tips in our book, please visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.