Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11/2001 We Remember

Remembering those we lost on 9/11/2001. Our prayers are with them, their family members and our nation. We are a Christian nation where all religions have the freedom to thrive. Is that true for any other religion or nation? As free people, United We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Our enemies blew us up and knocked us to the ground on 9/1/11; it made us stronger and more united! Our capitalistic system (which they hate) is what allows the cream to rise to the top. As Christians, we take care of those who cannot take care of themselves. Everyone in America is guaranteed freedom to work as hard as they want and to reach as high as they can dream. Our cherished way of life depends on honesty, civilized behavior, the rule of law, and the right to own property. As long as we can trust each other and stand united as one nation under God, we will never be defeated. May God continue to Bless America.

Note, in any disaster, the first people on the scene are We The People, not the "Government." We could make it without the "Government" but the "Government" could not make it without us (because we elect them from among ourselves). Know that the lessons we have learned from 9/11/2001 is to trust in yourself, value the brief time you have together as a family, be honest and let no one divide us as one nation under God.

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