Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Primary Election Day is Today.

We all take freedom for granted. No one likes war but sometimes wars are necessary. We must defend our rights to be free citizens and we all must be willing to defend our country and our Constitution. Citizens who live in the United States of America are free people because we are a nation who elects our government officials from among ourselves and we are a capitalistic government of the people, by the people and for the people. We are not a perfect country but we are evolving every year to be more inclusive of all our citizens. There is not one group or nationality of citizens that were not persecuted at one time or another in our history. We have all overcome obstacles yet our goals remain the same.....that all citizens are entitled to the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness......but not at the expense of someone else. We became the Greatest Nation on Earth because civilized people worked together for the good of all.

We are one nation under God. Beware of those who try to divide us and pit one group against another be they wealthy or not. Civilized people work together, compromising when necessary, but always working for the good of the whole.

We all have a civic duty to behave as honorable, civilized citizens respectful to each other yet we have the right to own private property and the right to defend that property. We are a free nation because the majority of our citizens choose to hold themselves to a higher standard and not just because of the laws. We have laws to handle citizens who are not respectful to others. Honorable, moral, civilized, law abiding citizens will not lie, cheat, or steal even if the opportunity presents itself. When this is no longer the case, we will have widespread corruption, rudeness, and lawlessness. The government cannot afford to put all of us in jail so they will have to take extreme measures to control the population. Until then, We The People still control the government by electing them to office.

Civilized people know how to work with people they do not like yet respect that all are entitled to the same freedoms. We all have a civic duty to take personal responsibility for our own actions and do no harm to those who are weaker, younger, or smaller. Our Constitution guarantees the right to protect ourselves and our property from criminals and from the government itself.

This year the election is quite clear. We either vote for our historic capitalistic nation which made the USA the Greatest Nation on Earth or we vote for the Socialists who are trying to divide our country via class warfare and disregard of our Constitution. You can no longer sit this one out and ignore the situation. If you have never voted, it is time for you to vote. The choice is clear. Vote for the most honorable person you know. An honorable person will not lie, cheat or steal even if the opportunity presents itself.

If someone looks you in the face and tells obvious lies, you must use your own common sense and do what is right. If you have not earned what you have, you are not entitled to take money from someone else no matter who tells you it is OK. Common sense says we cannot continue to spend trillions of dollars that we do not have. Someone will pay for this; eventually, it will be our future grandchildren. Not a legacy that we have ever in the history of our country done to future generations.

Being an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen is a way to give something back to your country. Voting is a privilege that can easily be taken away by a government that gets too big and thinks they control the people. In the USA, we the people control the government.

Please Vote.

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