Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14 - Flag Day!

I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God,
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

I also pledge to be an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen.

Our flag is a symbol of freedom for all....not just one party.....
not just one class.......not just one religion......not for just the
wealthy......it represents freedom and justice for all our citizens.

Our nation is only as strong as our people; not just our government.
We are a nation of honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens who strive
to be the best we can. We expect to be rewarded for honest labor and
not have the government take it away from us just because they think
they can spend it better than we can. We depend on every person having
the same opportunities to decide how hard they will work and to be able
to work at whatever is of our choosing. We depend on the majority of
our people to be honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens. We respect
the laws of the land which enables us to respectfully live together
as communities of large groups of people and to feel safe to freely move
about in our communities.

When we no longer respect or obey our laws, we will no longer be a
civilized nation of free people.

We tend to root for the underdog but we want everyone to succeed.
We want leaders who unite us as a country. Beware of those who
pit one class against another. It doesn't matter which group you
tear down.....it is not beneficial for our country. We must find
leaders who know how to unite us on common ground that is beneficial
to all. We want a government that can unite us as independent, free,
honorable people capable of being responsible for our own actions
.....not a government to take care of us as dependent, incapable people.
After all, we do freely elect our government officials from among ourselves.

Freedom is not free. We must be vigilant. If we ignore our freedoms
and take them for granted, we could easily lose them. Too many people
are willing to give up too many freedoms in order to let the government
take care of them. When you are dependent, you are not free.

Our flag is a reminder that
United We Stand - Divide We Fall.

Being an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen is a way to give
something back to our country. "A Year of Good Manners" by
Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk ($27.95) provides 365 tips on how
to behave as an honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen along
with the 365 reasons why you would want to.

Purchase on line at www.ayearofgoodmanners.com

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