Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Debt Ceiling Agreement Reached - No One Happy

Debt ceilings are intended to be limits set to protect us
from bankruptcy....they are not intended to be goals to
reached and exceed over and over. Otherwise, why
have a debt ceiling? Simple math says you cannot
spend money you do not have to pay for debt you
cannot afford. Our constitution also guarantees that
the government cannot unreasonably tax us for money
we legally earned just because they want to spend more

Respect and Good Manners empower you with knowledge
that allows you to develop good self esteem, common sense,
and the ability to make confident decisions on your own and
to recognize good decisions by others. Good Manners and
respect enable you to work with others whether you like them
or not. Our common bond is we all want to be treated with
respect and we all have to work together for the benefit of our
country and all of our citizens, not just one favorite party.

AYOGM Tip by Margery Sinclair: “People with good
manners have a lifetime advantage in job situations and
personal relationships. Most negotiations are impossible
without good manners on both sides. That explains why
diplomats are famed for their courtesy.”

AYOGM Tip by Margery Sinclair: “A knowledge of
etiquette is the road to good manners. Behave decently to
others, show consideration when there is conflict, and
maintain composure when displeased. Knowing etiquette
makes you feel relaxed and confident.”

Beware of any one, or any group, for any reason who does
not respect you or fellow law abiding citizens...which
includes all men, women, and children of all ages, races,
nationalities, wealth, health or education levels. Beware of
those who pit one part of our country against another.
When freedoms are taken from one group, they will soon
be taken from the other group. Do not be so willing to give
up your freedoms in order to be taken care of by the
government. Bigger government is not the answer.
Independent, honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens are
the answers.

Without laws we would have no protection from those who
chose to not behave in a civilized manner. The government
cannot make a law for every possible transgression; therefore,
we depend on our citizens to willingly hold themselves to a
higher standard by using respect and good manners towards
each other. Without respect and manners we would become a
land of the uncivilized. You would not like it. Only the meanest
and strongest would survive. Very few would have any rights.
We would not be safe in our own homes without laws to protect
us; however, it is not the laws that protect us..... it is the
honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens who respect and honor
the laws of the land that make us safe. Criminals do not care
about the laws. If the laws are not fair to all, we must change
the laws; until then, we abide by the laws.
We must be strong enough to protect ourselves until help arrives.
We must be willing to stand united as civilized citizens. We
cannot be passive and dependent on someone else, or the
government, to take care of us. You are not free if you cannot
stand on your own.

In 2011, our country is split almost 50 – 50. Fifty percent
of the population is dependent on the government and pay no taxes....
they basically are slaves and have willingly given up too many
hard fought freedoms. When you are dependent on the
government or any one, you are not free.

Fifty percent of the population works hard and are honorable,
civilized, law abiding citizens who pay taxes on legally, hard
earned income. We are all citizens of the United States of
America and must be civil and work together.
United We Stand – Divided We Fall.

Beware of those who attack half of our country and try to divide
us. It matters not which side you are on. It matters that we all
work together for the benefit of all, not just one group or another.
What is good for one, should be good for all. Vote for honorable
leaders who try to unite us as a country, not those who want to
divide us.

We The People, USA citizens, have power and do not use it. If
you do not like the wealthy getting wealthy, do not buy their
products. Start your own business or support a local business
or a local farmer. Work together as groups. Large quantities are
cheaper than smaller quantities. You do not have the right to take
away something from someone else who has worked hard for their
legal income.

If you expect others to follow higher standards, such as safe food,
safe drinking water, safe cars, safe planes, safely built buildings,
etc. you should also expect the same high standards from yourself.
We all have a civic duty to behave in a civilized manner. Being an
honorable, civilized, law abiding citizen is all that we expect of
each of our citizens. Holding yourself to a higher standard is easy when
you know how. It has nothing to do with how much money you have
or do not have. Good Character begets Good Self Esteem which
equals honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens. You can have a lot
of money and still not be a person of honorable character. If you
ignore the laws and use illegal drugs, you are the one empowering
the drug dealers....not an honorable thing to do!

We each have a civic duty to treat our self and others with respect.
Do not allow any one to enslave you or abuse you.

My favorite quote by John Polk:
“If you take care of your family, your business, and you do what
is right and honorable, everything else will take care of itself.”

Our country can recover from a deficit in cash. We cannot
recover from a deficit of honorable, civilized, law abiding

Good Manners are powerful. Read our 180 page book
“A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair and Jan Polk.
$27.95 It is an easy read which will empower you to make
good decisions, develop common sense, and good self esteem.
Purchase on line at www.ayearofgoodmanners.com

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