Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy 50th Birthday to President Barack Obama

Everyone may not like President Obama’s
Socialist policies and redistributing the wealth
but we all have to recognize that he has the
“likability factor,” confidence, good self esteem,
and good manners. President Obama has
many qualities to be admired.

He has proven that forever more, skin color is no longer
a barrier to success in the United States of America.
He will be the first President to raise a
billion dollars in donations so that he can run for
a job that only pays $400,000. President Obama
is articulate, well dressed, and a wonderful role
model as a husband and father. He has proven that
you can like someone and still civilly disagree with
them for reasons other than skin color.

He is to be admired for being married
to the mother of his children and living with them.
He is to be admired for being a father who loves and
takes care of his children and provides for his family.
As parents, they both stress to their children that
education is important.

AYOGM Tip by Margery Sinclair: “Never discount
the “likability factor.” When people like you,
partly because of your good manners, they are
more likely to give you a break in other areas.
A likable person can be charmingly eccentric;
an unlikeable person just seems weird.”

You will want to read all 365 tips and the reasons to
use them in “A Year of Good Manners” by Margery Sinclair
and Jan Polk, $27.95.
Securely purchase on line at

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